Friday, October 26, 2007

Man I am a BAD blogger

If there were such a thing as a blog fairy she would kick my butt for doing nothing productive in such a long time on this blog!
Alas I don't have good news ti report in my grams she is not doing well and I hope that she can make it through this, but I don't know! Plus I don't want her in pain and she seems to be in pain. Since I have the benefit of the Gospel I know that my grams will feel so much better on the other side and since she will be on Go'd time it will be quite quick for her before she sees any of us again! This would also allow me to do her work after a year from her passing. I am just trying to see the posative in the situation! All I can do is pray for her.
Okay, I guess this is all for now, once I have more time I will do a proper "Kairy Blog" AKA million pages long!!! LOL! Hope you are all having a lovely fall! XOXOOXOXOOXOOXXOXO

yours, K.

Friday, October 5, 2007

what a blogging good time

So it has been a while!I have been so busy with Korban discovering the word, being sick, taking care of a ticket ( I know, bad Kairy), dealing with being 28 on the 8th of Sept.(when I turn 30 I want a freaking pony!), and worried about voting since no one ever does here (well that I know personally except me).
I am feeling much better after recouping for about a week kept getting a cold, then I think it's over but NO! it tricks me and hits me back down again. That happened about three times before I really did get better! See children there is a lesson to be learned here - DO NOT EVER GET OLD! Before you know it you'll be 30 and wondering where all the time went(with no pony named Velcrow)and why you can't shake off that cold like you used too!
But let's make this posative too! You will be much wiser and wisdom can ONLY be gained through living and exp. life. Anyone can be smart, ah but to be wise that is a gift of old age. That is why, truely, youth is wasted on the young! Could youimagine in biblical times when they live to be 5, 600!!! Man that would make mid life crisis at 300 years olds! I wonder what men did back then to get it out of their system? Date woman of 100!!! Oh my, the scandel!!!! plus no rush to get married you have at least 200 years before the parents start in with the "When am I going to be a grandma, I am 550 years old all ready, AH Vey (remeber we were all jewish back then) this was OT time.
Wow all that from explainig how crappy I am at blogging! The mind is a interesting place and mine is full of random, usless, thoughts, but you my dear fiends knew that before signing on or figured it out too late to jump off the frindship roller coaster of LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I'll add some totally random pic just for fun! That makes it better, so ever if this whole blog is rubbish there is a nice distration and no one really notices. peace love mickey mouse . . .

yours, K.