I admit it I am addicted to LOST! Since the TV movie release dates are way behind the US in AU, I am going to have to order the seasons online to know what is going on! On avg., when it is released on DVD here it's coming to the theatres in AU! Anyway, I found this silly little LOST test. It's to find out which person you would be on LOST. Here is who I am:
I guess this confirms it, I want to be an elf, but will always be a hobbit!!!! Not to mention the fact that Charlie is DEAD and a former addic! LOL! I am artistic. I do have a addictive personality, but keep it to shoes and scrapbooking! I would like to think that I would indeed give up my life to save my friends because as the Savior says; "Greater love hath no man then he lay down his life for his friends. Ye are my friends."
Anyway I can hardly wait til the 24th of April when it's back since taping has resumed since the writer's strike is over! WAHOO!
Just shared my results because I thought it was fun! I honestly thought I would end up being Hurley! For a lot of reasons less being a millionaire lotto winner! LOL! If anyone else would like to see who they are the link to the test is: http://www.buddytv.com/closedquiz/closed-quiz.aspx?quiz=33&category=Lost
It's not long and just for fun! Have a very DHARMA project day out there peeps!!!
Yours, K.