My dear friend emailed this personality test that is quick and easy and fairly accurate. It is only two questions long. I am posting my results and link here for whoever wants to see them. Feel free to comment on if you think it's right or not, I thought it was pretty on the mark. Kind of a fun Peace out!
Your Score: 7 - the Adventurer
"I am happy and open to new things"
Adventurers are energetic, lively, and optimistic. They want to contribute to the world.
How to Get Along with Me
Give me companionship, affection, and freedom.
Engage with me in stimulating conversation and laughter.
Appreciate my grand visions and listen to my stories.
Don't try to change my style. Accept me the way I am.
Be responsible for youself. I dislike clingy or needy people.
Don't tell me what to do.
What I Like About Being a SEVEN
being optimistic and not letting life's troubles get me down
being spontaneous and free-spirited
being outspoken and outrageous. It's part of the fun.
being generous and trying to make the world a better place
having the guts to take risks and to try exciting adventures
having such varied interests and abilities
What's Hard About Being a SEVEN
not having enough time to do all the things I want
not completing things I start
not being able to profit from the benefits that come from specializing; not making a commitment to a career
having a tendency to be ungrounded; getting lost in plans or fantasies
feeling confined when I'm in a one-to-one relationship
SEVENs as Children Often
are action oriented and adventuresome
drum up excitement
prefer being with other children to being alone
finesse their way around adults
dream of the freedom they'll have when they grow up
SEVENs as Parents
are often enthusiastic and generous
want their children to be exposed to many adventures in life
may be too busy with their own activities to be attentive
Monday, August 20, 2007
Who Are You????
Posted by Kairy Salazar at 11:19 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Words Of Wisdom
I'm so tierd
I haven't slept a wink
And although I'm so tierd
I'll have another drink
And curse Sir Walter Mallary
He's such a stupid git
And I can't think
I can't stop my brain
You know it's three weeks
I'm going insain
I'd give you everything I've got for a little peace of mind
Who knows how long I've loved you
You know I love you still
Will I wait a lonely life time
If you want me to I will
For if I ever saw you
I didn't catch your name
But it never really mattered
I will always feel the same
Love you forever and forever
Love you with all my heart
Love you whenever we're together
Love you when we're apart
For when at last I find you
Your song will fill the air
Sing it loud so I can hear you
Make it easy to be near you
For the things you do endear you to me
Oh, you know I will
I will . . . .
Posted by Kairy Salazar at 10:23 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 16, 2007
I have noticed NO ONE is taking my survey. Not voting as is the typical American way and look where that has gotten us! This will be like practice for all of you reluctant voters out there. Either that or NO ONE visits my blog page in which case it can't be helped! If you read this VOTE BABY!!!!!
Posted by Kairy Salazar at 11:18 PM 1 comments
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Sleep Is Good!!!!
Hola fellow bloggers! Now that I have a had a decent nights sleep I am feeling much better! It's amazing what your body can do when you are well rested! I was very cranky yesterday! Just feeling so bad. Like I said I wish I didn't have those days but maybe they help us appreciate the good ones. As the Marquis de Sade said "In order to know virtue, we must first acquaint ourselves with vice". I guess that is the only way. All I can hope is that there is more virtue in life.
On a less philosophical note we picked our 2nd good size cucumber today!!!!! WOOT!!!! I am so excited again! Now I know how farmers feel. To put in all that hard work and love into and have "fruits" come forth is a really good feeling.
I also have some sad news. One of the baby hampers passed away. He is one that had escaped very early on and we just caught him. I think being out on his own he didn't get the food and water he needed. I noticed late in the night that he wasn't active and picked him up, which told me something was wrong since he was so farrel and hated to be touched! His breathing was labored. I was upset. I took him into my room and put him on my pillow and covered him with a "blanket". I got him to drink a bit of water and just gently petted him until he passed.
I hope that nothing I did helped contribute to his death. I would feel so awful if that were true! I carried him outside and returned him to the earth. I feel bad that he had such a short life. Hopefully his last moments on earth were at least comforting having someone there to be with him. Now I know some of you are laughing since he was just a nameless hamster, but I really do think that even animals have feelings on a smaller scale and I know they can feel pain so in the least hopefully he was not in pain.
You happy Scott and Dad one is dead! I know you both were just kidding with your ideas of how to "get rid" of all the hamper babies, but now it's true.
Now I am a little sad. Not like yesterday, but for the hamper and for Dusty The Wonder Dog. She passed away after living a full life of 11 years from kidney failure. Some may think it's silly to cry over the death of an animal, but some times they are better companions than people. They don't judge. Love unconditionally. Are always happy to see you. And they listen. An art most of us still need to master. I think Heavenly Father blesses us with pets, they are a gift to help ease the burden of our mortal trial. Even studies prove that single people who have pets live longer than their counterparts that don't.
Okay, I guess that is all for today I was TRYING to be upbeat and happy! Sorry dear reader for making it something else, but I do hope you have a lovely day!
yours, K.
Posted by Kairy Salazar at 11:04 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Eternal Sunshine
I am having a "bad" day today. I wish I didn't have days like these, I wish I could have been born with the personality trait of "eternal sunshine" like that stupid Pollyanna, who becomes wheel chair bound and is still happy.
I wish I had a spouse to help me and be a dad to Korban in my home. I wish I didn't feel so "alone" in the world. I wish I had a best friend to cry too. I haven't had a best friend since I was 12. I am lonely. If I had a best friend I think I could easier deal with not having a husband/dad in the home. I would have someone to talk to and do adult things with once in a while.
I hate the never ending cycle of feeling bad for feeling bad. I wish anti-depressants were a magic pill that would make me happy like some people think. There are so many days I just want to be happy and attract good things.
I am tired of being so negative and being surrounded by it. I feel like I am doing my son a HUGE disservice by being this way. I should be a better mother. I should be a better member of the Church. I sould do my genealogy. I should just be more than I am now.
I feel like a failure as a person. I feel like God gave me all the same parts as he did everyone else and try as hard as I can I just can't get the directions right so I have built an inferior, weaker, knock off of what I should be. I have all these parts left over and I don't know where they go or what to do with them, but I know they must be important.
I anguish yet I know there are others who have had to deal with much more and there are millions worse off than me, but I am still so sad. And so sorry I can't see the benefit of my situation better at times like these.
How can I cry so many tears and have any left? Why do I some how sabotage any good opportunity that comes into my life? Why do I see the good things that the Lord puts before me and tell myself it's too good for me and push it away? Why am I so stupid!!!!!! Why am I so afraid of the good things that can happen. If I was happy all the time would I not be me any more? When will I ever feel worthy of the blessings I have?
If anyone knows the answer or can tell me what's wrong with me so I can fix it PLEASE let me know. I just want someone to love me the best. I want one person on this earth that will put me above all others (not God just Man) and SHOW me how they love me. I want someone who loves me as much as I love them and I feel like I have been searching for that and can never find it.
I am trying so hard to figure out how to fix myself so I can find someone like that. Someone who will love me "just as I am" as it says in "Briget Jone's Diary"
There have been so many times that I just let myself love another person completely only to be hurt by the knowledge that they don't feel the same. They may love me, but not like I love them and they can't because it's just not there.
I am so torn between wondering what's wrong, why can't someone love me like that and learning to accept myself the way I am. I don't know what to do. I envy my dear friends who were SO smart and took a good while to get to know their current spouses and are married and having beautiful babies with their "best friends" and I can see in the eyes of their husbands that they ONLY see them and I am so happy for them! I know it's out there. It's possible, but how can I get my hands on it?????
I hope one day to have a blog entry when I can say that I have found that and I can be counted in that club of happily married celestial couples. I hope.
Posted by Kairy Salazar at 6:11 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 4, 2007
I Am So Not Hot!!!!
Wow, I'm not hot any more and it feels SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good!!!! I finally got the landlord over here because it seemed to me the swamp cooler wasn't working as well as it did last year, but then I though well maybe it's hotter than last year, all I know is that the temp cage RIGHT under the swamp cooler was reading 85 degrees with it going full blast and downstairs was like an inferno!!!!
So the landlord hears my desperate calls for help and finally comes over yesterday and looks at the swamp cooler, turns out the water hoses were all clogged so it was just blowing out really hot air! That sure explained a few things! He kindly fixed the clogs and got the water running and it is so cool! I only wish is that this could have been figured out before August!!!! LOL!!!!
It's amazing how much better things are when you're brain cells aren't being fried!. I felt like Pedro on Napoleon Dynamite and was so close to pulling a Pedro and cutting off all my hair, buying a virgin Mary statue and praying to her in the bathtub!!!!
And now for something completely different! For some odd reason Korban is obsessed with the Crown Bedroom Store. He says he loves it and wants to go there and buy a really soft mattress. what??????? Where does he get it from??? Last night he told me he had a dream that he was the light bulb in his room and from the ceiling he could see a little boy having naughty behavior and making a big mess in his room! And in case you were wondering he was turned on at the time and shining bright! He also refuses to sleep in his room and insists on sleeping on the futon in the living room. I guess it's just a stage, but some times I am so bewildered by his behavior I wonder if it's normal or just a Korbanism. If I ever am blessed with a second child I guess I'll find out!
Okay I am going to bed, I played lots of WoW tonight and now I am very sleepy and we have church on the morrow! Hope you all have a fab Sunday!
yours, K.
Posted by Kairy Salazar at 11:53 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 3, 2007
Yes I Am That Big of A Nerd!
Just wantd to put some pics of "me" with my baby Peaches and my mount Velcrow from my WoW life! Please enjoy!
Posted by Kairy Salazar at 9:45 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
I Grow Therefore I Am!!!!!
The MOST exciting thing happened today!!!!! Okay, well first I have to tell the back story as all who know me is a must! So, right around April Mayish Korban and I buy some wildflower seeds and a few veg packets. So we plant the wild flowers, but the veg we got said we needed to wait til later in the season so I tucked those away.
I guess the Korbster got his hot little hands on them and "planted" them where all the wild flowers are, so after WEEKS of waiting we have some lovely wild flowers all in bloom and something that looks kind of like some kind of squash like plant! I was quite surprised! One since I had no idea Korban Veggieseed had planted anything and two that it survived through all this heat and having to share "food" with all those wild flowers!
As I said we had no idea what it was until a few weeks ago we saw one of the flowers turning into a green veg! We knew it had to be a cucumber or squash (I was hoping for squash because I like them better!)!
Finally today the "veg" was able to be picked and it was quite a nice size too! It was quite prickly, but never having seen veg in it "natural" state I had no idea of what it could be! Korban took the honor of "picking" our mystery veg and we brought it in the house and gave it a bath washing off the prickles.
Then we came to the moment of truth!!!!!!! I cut into the veg and - DA DA DA DA - it was a cucumber!!!!! And it was delish! Korban and I ate it up with a bit of salt! There was plenty for both of us since it was so large as afore mentioned!
I AM A FRAMER!!!!!!! I have yielded a crop!!!!! I feel so rustic. I need some over-alls and a piece of hay to chew on! Best part is there are other litte cucumbers that are growing and we have another mystery veg plant on the other side of the porch, but it's a LOT bigger, so I have no idea what it is! Any guesses????
I guess like this situation I will have to wait it out!
I feel so cool that I am a farmer now! All the hard work and giving them plant food and watering and watching them has all paid off! I feel like a mom to them only I eat them once they grow up!!!!! And how yummy they are.
On a side note we also grew three strawberries this year, but I only got a half of one and Korban ninja ed the rest! Thanks alot son! LOL!
Okay that is my good news for the day, you may now refer to me as Farmer Kairy in conversation!!!! WOOT!!!!!
yours, K.
Posted by Kairy Salazar at 1:13 PM 0 comments