Thursday, August 9, 2007

Sleep Is Good!!!!

Hola fellow bloggers! Now that I have a had a decent nights sleep I am feeling much better! It's amazing what your body can do when you are well rested! I was very cranky yesterday! Just feeling so bad. Like I said I wish I didn't have those days but maybe they help us appreciate the good ones. As the Marquis de Sade said "In order to know virtue, we must first acquaint ourselves with vice". I guess that is the only way. All I can hope is that there is more virtue in life.
On a less philosophical note we picked our 2nd good size cucumber today!!!!! WOOT!!!! I am so excited again! Now I know how farmers feel. To put in all that hard work and love into and have "fruits" come forth is a really good feeling.
I also have some sad news. One of the baby hampers passed away. He is one that had escaped very early on and we just caught him. I think being out on his own he didn't get the food and water he needed. I noticed late in the night that he wasn't active and picked him up, which told me something was wrong since he was so farrel and hated to be touched! His breathing was labored. I was upset. I took him into my room and put him on my pillow and covered him with a "blanket". I got him to drink a bit of water and just gently petted him until he passed.
I hope that nothing I did helped contribute to his death. I would feel so awful if that were true! I carried him outside and returned him to the earth. I feel bad that he had such a short life. Hopefully his last moments on earth were at least comforting having someone there to be with him. Now I know some of you are laughing since he was just a nameless hamster, but I really do think that even animals have feelings on a smaller scale and I know they can feel pain so in the least hopefully he was not in pain.
You happy Scott and Dad one is dead! I know you both were just kidding with your ideas of how to "get rid" of all the hamper babies, but now it's true.
Now I am a little sad. Not like yesterday, but for the hamper and for Dusty The Wonder Dog. She passed away after living a full life of 11 years from kidney failure. Some may think it's silly to cry over the death of an animal, but some times they are better companions than people. They don't judge. Love unconditionally. Are always happy to see you. And they listen. An art most of us still need to master. I think Heavenly Father blesses us with pets, they are a gift to help ease the burden of our mortal trial. Even studies prove that single people who have pets live longer than their counterparts that don't.
Okay, I guess that is all for today I was TRYING to be upbeat and happy! Sorry dear reader for making it something else, but I do hope you have a lovely day!

yours, K.