Monday, July 28, 2008
Please Pray!
Daer Blog Readers~
I ask you a special favor this day, please pray! A friend of mine and her family really need your prayers. If you could, during your normal prayers, say one for her and her family I would be so grateful and I know they would too. Amazing how each person's voice is heard by the Lord and how we are able to beseech him for others when they need it and how He hears us and knows just who we are crying for without us even mentioning a name, ours or theirs.
I KNOW from the experiences of my own life that people praying one for another is one of the most powerful forces we have here on earth. We are blessed to have "unlimited minutes" when it comes to prayer. Wheather for ourselves or others.
So, again please pray for my loved ones who are in need of it. I will be because it's all I can do. There are certain things that only God and the Savior can understand and heal.
I am praying for you. I love you. I wish I could take it for you. You deserve EVERY happiness in the world, and I am a shmuck and I'm so sorry that I can't keep my thoughts to myself and that it causes good people like you undue pain. I hope you can please forgive me.
Yours, K.
Posted by Kairy Salazar at 4:09 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Go Blog Yourself!
Kairy is taking the day off blog wise! Not feeling the best and I don't want to have one of those cry fest blogs. Some people don't care for them. And I am so tired I can't even think of anything witty and clever to post! So I suggest that everyone go post their own blogs instead of read mine! LOL! Hope all of you are having a good day and I did get some lovely news today, so it has had it's meeny bit of sunshine in it. Maybe something else good may happen. Maybe not. If it does or doesn't it's not going to be from my efforts. DAY OFF! I REPEAT: DAY OFF! Well I did work but from 5:16pm MST - DAY OFF!
Yours, K
Posted by Kairy Salazar at 5:13 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 25, 2008
Foggy Bloggy
for those of you who may not know I take some "strong" meds to help me sleep. Well you may know it as "Valium", a drug used to calm down hysterical people,namely 40s and 50s housewives! I guess I am like a functioning alcholic, only functioning neurotic! LOL! Well anyway I can't sleep and never have been able to so finally a GOOD doctor figured out that it's my brain that doesn't shut-up (that is SO not like me!) so basically like I said a functioning neurotic. Too much going on up there to get my mind to follow my body to sleep. Anyway, now you no the foreground of the blog. After I take the meds I get very relaxed! I have heard people describe it as being drunk. I just feel very relaxed and chilled. Which as we all know is not really the Kairy we all know and love. Let's face it, after I take these meds I am alkaselzer that has lost it fizz! It is also why these blogs I TRY and write make NO senece the next day and I see it! Anyway what I did want to tell you my dear blog readers, is this!!!!!! After I have taken my sleep time meds, as I call them, I like to go check the mail around 10pm-12am, so it's warm (all most too warm, but actually very nice) and dark and the sky is filled with the stars and this time of year a very dark Venus. Lovely as ever. It's during this time I walk to the mailbox and get the mail. All junk and once in a while a gift from the gods via Australia form my love across the sea. My point being there are just moments, nights, anything, that are so simple, and for me, I am in my perfect place within the universe. Nothing could go wrong. Just for that moment all is right in the world, Everything surrounding you, external and internal are beautiful. Anyway, hopefully I remember this in the morning and that it makes sense. I am just saying for the first time in a long time I had once of those very nice moments so perfect time seems to stop. It has to all is right in the world, but it's very short and I think so special. Hope you, dear blog reader, will have one soon, minus the sedative! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
Yours, K.
Posted by Kairy Salazar at 10:30 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Man Cold!
This is just another reason why I LOVE the British! They have given us The Beatles, Jane Austin, Colin Firth, Doc Martins, and now, the Man Cold!!!
Posted by Kairy Salazar at 9:05 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Best Blog Ever!
My dear friend Deb sent me an email about this blog she found about a married couple who go by The Donkey and The Wife. It is the funniest and BEST blog I have ever read in MY LIFE! And for those of you who know my REAL birthday, that is a LONG time! For those married couples out there you HAVE to check out this blog at least once and I am guessing weekly because you will become addicted like me! While I am always on The Wife's side and I sometimes think The Donkey is rude and insensative it only goes to show that men are 98% the same and us "Wives" are all dealing with the same problems! It's also good for "The Donkies" to see that it's not us it's them! LOL! Okay, okay I guess us woman have some similar qulities too! It is just so funny to read about the same exact "disagreements" that you have in your own relashionship and laugh about it. It also really does help you to understand why we are the way we are and if nothing else pure comic relief! Plus you get to see both sides and they have polls on voting who is right or wrong in a certain situation and you can always leave a comment! So if you have time check it out!
Yours, K.
Posted by Kairy Salazar at 8:11 PM 1 comments