Friday, July 25, 2008

Foggy Bloggy

for those of you who may not know I take some "strong" meds to help me sleep. Well you may know it as "Valium", a drug used to calm down hysterical people,namely 40s and 50s housewives! I guess I am like a functioning alcholic, only functioning neurotic! LOL! Well anyway I can't sleep and never have been able to so finally a GOOD doctor figured out that it's my brain that doesn't shut-up (that is SO not like me!) so basically like I said a functioning neurotic. Too much going on up there to get my mind to follow my body to sleep. Anyway, now you no the foreground of the blog. After I take the meds I get very relaxed! I have heard people describe it as being drunk. I just feel very relaxed and chilled. Which as we all know is not really the Kairy we all know and love. Let's face it, after I take these meds I am alkaselzer that has lost it fizz! It is also why these blogs I TRY and write make NO senece the next day and I see it! Anyway what I did want to tell you my dear blog readers, is this!!!!!! After I have taken my sleep time meds, as I call them, I like to go check the mail around 10pm-12am, so it's warm (all most too warm, but actually very nice) and dark and the sky is filled with the stars and this time of year a very dark Venus. Lovely as ever. It's during this time I walk to the mailbox and get the mail. All junk and once in a while a gift from the gods via Australia form my love across the sea. My point being there are just moments, nights, anything, that are so simple, and for me, I am in my perfect place within the universe. Nothing could go wrong. Just for that moment all is right in the world, Everything surrounding you, external and internal are beautiful. Anyway, hopefully I remember this in the morning and that it makes sense. I am just saying for the first time in a long time I had once of those very nice moments so perfect time seems to stop. It has to all is right in the world, but it's very short and I think so special. Hope you, dear blog reader, will have one soon, minus the sedative! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO

Yours, K.