Sunday, March 9, 2008

No Inspiration

So I am a pretty bad blogger. I feel so bad. Not many people read this but for those that do it has to be pretty boring! So sorry to the 1 to 2 peeps who are kind enough to read this that I don't often update it!
Things are going SOOOOOOOOOOOO slow in my effort to get a visa for Korbey and I. They want everything but DNA and truth be told they may get it due to the fact that I may be required to give it at a health check given by an Austrlian Gov. approved doc! I have never felt such pressure to be a "desirable" person before! I will cry a little if Australia won't have me and that is a country founded by the Brits as a penial colony!
Korban is still being his silly little self. New Korbanisms each day. For example his great grandpa asked Korban when he was going to be five and without skipping a beat said, "On my birthday!" As if! What a little smarty pants he is! HE all ready thinks he knows everything, what is he going to be like as a teenager!
Korban also has an interesting list of career choices, which I shall list:
1. Astronaught
2. Sanistation worker
3. Pilot
5 Construction worker
6. Actor
7. Hanna Montana back-up singer/dancer
8. fast food worker
9. Singe
10. First person on Mars
11. Clown
12. Cowboy
13. A "papa"
14. Dolphin
15. Miercat
16. Vet
17. Farmer
18. Basketballer
19. Soccer star
20. Cricket Champ

Okay that is enough for now. There are more, but there are more and more added daily. I better win the lotto so I can pay for all that education!!!! I will never be a grandma! No time to even date, ley alone other stuff with all that to do!!!
Class of 98 is gearing up for the 10 year reunion so if anyone reads this blog and hasn't been contacted please toss me a line so we can get you an invite! I personally would like to reconnect with every person that we went to school with!!! Okay guess I am done. I will try better!

Yours, K.


Jennybug said...

I was just blog hopping, and noticed your love for scrapbooking. That is the best blog name! WOW MY OWN BLOG, I love it. That is pretty much how I feel, it is a lot of fun.