Thursday, July 17, 2008

Best Blog Ever!

My dear friend Deb sent me an email about this blog she found about a married couple who go by The Donkey and The Wife. It is the funniest and BEST blog I have ever read in MY LIFE! And for those of you who know my REAL birthday, that is a LONG time! For those married couples out there you HAVE to check out this blog at least once and I am guessing weekly because you will become addicted like me! While I am always on The Wife's side and I sometimes think The Donkey is rude and insensative it only goes to show that men are 98% the same and us "Wives" are all dealing with the same problems! It's also good for "The Donkies" to see that it's not us it's them! LOL! Okay, okay I guess us woman have some similar qulities too! It is just so funny to read about the same exact "disagreements" that you have in your own relashionship and laugh about it. It also really does help you to understand why we are the way we are and if nothing else pure comic relief! Plus you get to see both sides and they have polls on voting who is right or wrong in a certain situation and you can always leave a comment! So if you have time check it out!

Yours, K.


Kroeger Klan said...

I am glad you enjoyed it Kairy!!! I love the "he said/she said" posts!