Saturday, August 4, 2007

I Am So Not Hot!!!!

Wow, I'm not hot any more and it feels SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good!!!! I finally got the landlord over here because it seemed to me the swamp cooler wasn't working as well as it did last year, but then I though well maybe it's hotter than last year, all I know is that the temp cage RIGHT under the swamp cooler was reading 85 degrees with it going full blast and downstairs was like an inferno!!!!
So the landlord hears my desperate calls for help and finally comes over yesterday and looks at the swamp cooler, turns out the water hoses were all clogged so it was just blowing out really hot air! That sure explained a few things! He kindly fixed the clogs and got the water running and it is so cool! I only wish is that this could have been figured out before August!!!! LOL!!!!
It's amazing how much better things are when you're brain cells aren't being fried!. I felt like Pedro on Napoleon Dynamite and was so close to pulling a Pedro and cutting off all my hair, buying a virgin Mary statue and praying to her in the bathtub!!!!
And now for something completely different! For some odd reason Korban is obsessed with the Crown Bedroom Store. He says he loves it and wants to go there and buy a really soft mattress. what??????? Where does he get it from??? Last night he told me he had a dream that he was the light bulb in his room and from the ceiling he could see a little boy having naughty behavior and making a big mess in his room! And in case you were wondering he was turned on at the time and shining bright! He also refuses to sleep in his room and insists on sleeping on the futon in the living room. I guess it's just a stage, but some times I am so bewildered by his behavior I wonder if it's normal or just a Korbanism. If I ever am blessed with a second child I guess I'll find out!
Okay I am going to bed, I played lots of WoW tonight and now I am very sleepy and we have church on the morrow! Hope you all have a fab Sunday!

yours, K.