Sunday, October 19, 2008

I Really Do Love Fall!

I know I all ready wrote how much I love fall but the more of fall I get the more I am reminded of why I love it! I think as long as I live fall will always be my fav time of year.
Since the fall weather has begun I leave the sliding glass door open every night because I can't get enough of that crisp clean air! It is just cold enough to wear a sweater comfortably or pull the covers just a bit tighter. It smells so wonderful.
I can smell hay rides, corn stalks, children playing, leaves falling, laughter, cider, turkey, pie, family, hazelnut cocoa, and the beginning of fun!
I just have so many wonderful memories of fall. I am going to miss "real fall" once I move to a place where there are just subtle changes in seasons. I know soon I will climatize myself to the environment and the fall I love will fade from my memory. Just a small hint. I will try my best to hold on, but I know, like sand, it will slowly slip through my fingers until all that is left are a few grains that have managed to stick. Eventually they too will be brushed away.
While I feel like leaving here and starting a new life it can't happen soon enough, lately, I am also starting to get very emotional about leaving and also very scared.
It will be okay for Korban. He's young and he will adapt well I know, but I am old and I have had very little happiness in that time, but what I have had has taken place here in Utah. Times shared with dear friends. Some good childhood memories. Falling in love. Going to college. Having Korban come in the world. Being a part of a real family with the Robbins. Being endowed. Praying alone or with others. Feeling so close to God. Buying gifts for friends. Going to movies. Just driving. Staying up all night talking. So many things I will never have again. Never drive past a spot and remember. All that I have, all that I am, will be left behind. I kind of understand how the pioneers must have felt. Leaving their homes in search of a dream of happiness. Having perfect faith in God that He will give them something so much better then they have ever known and that alone will make leaving everything behind worth it. I hope I'm right.

Your, K.