Thursday, July 26, 2007

I still don't get it

okay so again I come to "blog" my inners out! For the Internet to see or never see, because I doubt since I am no one famous anyone will. I am just a girl in the world as Gwen Stafanni says. Simple things make so much since! I'm not sure I have a tone to say tonight I am really tired (took 4 Valium) and now I just want to drift into the sweet, sweet, release of sleep.Sleep where I am no one's disappointment. No one's doormat. No one's physical outlet when they need it. No one's "well at least I'm not her" person.I have always had fantastic dreams my whole life that I can remember, if only dreaming were a profession! Some of them are so vivid and alive, you'd swear you're there. The best are when you know you're dreaming so social mores all go out the window along with the laws of science. Funny thing is I have NEVER had a flying dream. NEVER! I have dreams where I can jump really high, but never flown. Wonder what that means? They say that dream is quite common.I also dream color which is supposedly be rare and a sign of insanity. Don't know if either are true or just old wives tales. I can very rarely taste in a dream so I savor the times that I can. I also love dreams where I overcome something. Like beating up the school bully! Take that Rochelle (or Moose as she was called, don't ask, I don't know!). By the way NONE of the names in here are changed to protect the innocent, the way I see it no one is innocent and if you don't want people to know about it don't do or don't leave any witnesses (that last part was a TOTAL choke for all you "worried" blog readers) no need to call 911 and report a possible homicide. Even if I wanted to do it, I couldn't. I lack the ability to be a sociopath and therefore would have a conscience reason before ever committing the crime. And I would never be dumb enough to pay someone to do it, I watch too much court TV. No I say to each his own and if you want to be a freaking idiot and try and take me with I will simply remove myself from the situation and just let you be angry, Then I have the control and you don't I refuse to be anyone's emotional plaything, so I try my best to get over the hurt feelings by telling myself that by letting so and so get to me this way I am giving them so much control over me and they for sure don't deserve that!!!!All right for tonight I guess I am done, like I said, very tired, and drugged up (legally by prescription TY!) so I am going to blog off or whatever it is you do to end the blog! Blog you later!